Walmart Expanded Supermarket Component, Squamish

Expanded Supermarket Component Market Impact Analysis

About the project

urbanMetrics was retained in 2023 to assess the market opportunity for an expanded food store component in the existing Walmart store in Squamish, British Columbia.



This study was commissioned to assess if the proposed expansion would have any critical sales impact on existing or potential future food stores in Squamish. It was also conducted to support Walmart’s request to eliminate policy-based restrictions tied to the Walmart lands, which limit the amount of perishable and non-perishable food store space permitted at this location.



The study included a detailed expenditure analysis that was supported by an evaluation of local (trade Area) expenditure patterns within the Food Store Retail (Supermarket and Grocery Store) retail category, as defined by Statistics Canada.



The study concluded that the expanded food store component within the existing Walmart would have no impact on existing or potential future food stores in Squamish.


KWA Site Development Consulting Inc


Squamish, British Columbia



