CreateTO – Economic & Fiscal Impact Analysis

About the project
CreateTO (formerly Build Toronto) is an independent real estate and development corporation tasked with maximizing the value of underutilized real estate previously owned by the City of Toronto.
On behalf of CreateTO, urbanMetrics was retained to undertake an economic and fiscal analysis of their current portfolio of properties and previously sold properties located throughout the Central Toronto area.
urbanMetrics is responsible for confirming development potential and land uses and subsequently, assessing a wide range of economic impacts including: a review of the on-site commercial and industrial employment opportunities through development of the sites; property taxes, development charges and other revenues generated for the City; and the overall economic impacts of the construction activity to the City of Toronto including value added to the City’s economy, employment, labour income and public sector revenues. The project involves assessing the development potential on each property based on published information and independent research.
This work has been updated annually by urbanMetrics since 2012.