YMCA of Greater Toronto – Bridletowne Market Feasibility Analysis

About the project
On behalf of the YMCA of Greater Toronto, urbanMetrics completed a market feasibility study for a new multi-purpose recreation facility currently being planned in the Bridletowne neighbourhood of Scarborough. Our firm was retained by the “Y” to carry out an internet-based survey targeting residents living in the north east quadrant of Toronto and south Markham. Respondents were asked to comment on their familiarity of the YMCA as a community-based organization, and their perceptions about the proposed new Bridletowne Circle facility.
Respondents were also asked about the likelihood that they would join the YMCA either as “single” or “family members”. The survey was developed as a business planning tool to help the Y understand (1) pricing sensitivities, (2) cultural acceptance of the YMCA as an organization and (3) the requirement for various recreation facilities and fitness and social programs. The survey was utilized as a means of forecasting future memberships and understanding the cannibalization of members from other neighbouring-area YMCA facilities.