City of Elliot Lake – Economic Diversification Strategy

About the project
In collaboration with Brook McIlroy, urbanMetrics completed an Economic Development and Diversification Strategy for the Municipality of Elliot Lake with funding and support provided by FedNor and NOHF. The project emphasized public participation throughout all elements of the strategic planning process. We hosted public workshops (utilizing Quantified Engagement), undertook survey research and conducted stakeholder interviews to address issues regarding population loss, erosion of young families and lack of employment opportunities. The study included an environmental scan/profile of Elliot Lake’s demographic and socio-economic characteristics, SWOT analysis, and development of a vision and goals. The initial focus was to explore the possibilities of diversifying Elliot Lake’s existing business environment, including the preparation of an implementation and monitoring plan for the community to execute. Following the collapse of the Algo Centre Mall, the scope was expanded to include a strategy to help revitalize Elliot Lake’s downtown.