City of Peterborough – Commercial Policy Study and Downtown Economic Analysis

City of Peterborough – Commercial Policy Study and Downtown Economic Analysis

About the project

urbanMetrics was engaged to conduct two extensive studies in support of the City’s Official Plan. The first involved an extensive commercial study to assist the City to understand the market for retail space in the City and to assist in developing policies to guide future growth. The second study involved in-depth research and analysis into the health of the downtown, with recommendations as to how it can become more competitive and better serve the needs of residents, businesses, tourists and students.


These studies involved extensive public and stakeholder engagement, including workshops, consumer surveys and on-street interviews, together with detailed expenditure, and inventory analysis.


In 2014 and 2015, urbanMetrics was engaged to update these studies.


City of Peterborough


Peterborough, ON


2007 & 2014/15


Policy Review