DiamondCorp – Wynford Green Employment Area Impact Analysis

About the project
urbanMetrics was originally retained by Celestica Inc., and later DiamondCorp, to undertake an employment area impact study in support of their Official Plan Amendment for a major mixed-use development in the City of Toronto. DiamondCorp is seeking an Official Plan Amendment for its lands, known municipally as 844 Don Mills Road and 1150 Eglinton Avenue East, for a new mixed-use residential, office and retail/service commercial project. The subject lands are situated at the northwest corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East in the City’s former Municipality of North York, approximately one kilometre from the DVP.
The 60.36 acre Subject Site is currently occupied by two large facilities and several underutilized surface parking lots. The two facilities include an 880,000 square foot building with frontage along Don Mills Road that contains Celestica’s head office with associated manufacturing and storage wings and a 330,000 square foot office building located in the southwest corner of the site.